Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Still sore

As expected, I'm sore today. Not as bad as I thought I would be, but still sore. Oh well, it will pass.

Haveing an ok OP day. There was cake at our board meeting this morning...never a good thing. I had a small piece, but still, I don't need cake at 10 in the morning!

Going running tonight, and then right into the pool!!

B-Rice Crispy's (2), Yogurt, Grapes
S-Watermelon, cake (4)
L-Rice, chicken
S-Apple, Almonds (4)
D-No clue....

AP's-Running (3), Biking (3)


Anonymous said...

yippee on being sore, that means you got a great workout. :)

Vanessa said...

Enjoy the soreness, it means you did something good! :D